Stories without limits

Unusual Type is the home of boldly unconventional speculative and fantasy literature, where imagination thrives and boundaries are shattered. It is also the imprint for the works of Amazon best-selling author Christopher Byford.


Our Titles

More than just a book

Our Promise

We at Unusual Type know what’s important when it comes to a great story. And we treat that seriously. What you’ll read can have taken years to conceive and create, and each title will be treated with the respect it deserves.

Our promise to you as a reader is this: no released title will be subjected to cuts or changes outside of what the author intends. We get it. Paper is expensive, but having to remove chapters or scenes just to keep a formats price down sacrifices the integrity of the title as a whole. Bending to market trends just to hit a particular demographic is out, too.

As well as this, behind every great book is an even greater story about how it came to life. Every Unusual Type title will have a regular edition and a Signature Edition, collecting essays, background details, interviews and notes about how the title came to be. Rest easy though, unlike some unscrupulous parties, we won’t be padding titles out with a thousand recipes, nor will we omit anything story-critical (like unpublished chapters) and sell them back to you.

A story before the story

Have a taste

Have you ever stood in a store and courted that “I’m not quite sure” moment? Where you want to pick up something but you’re not convinced that it’s right for you? That curry might be too hot. That dress might not look so good on you. Don’t worry, we at Unusual Type have you covered. We’re proud to announce Unusual Type: Preludes. Every title will be accompanied by a  separate short story in ebook format. That way you can dip your proverbial toes in the water and see if you want to indulge in the main title. And at no cost to you. Why on earth would we charge? You don’t pay a couple of bucks for trying shoes on in a store. It wouldn’t make sense.